
What Documents Are Needed to Register a Vehicle in Illinois?

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What Documents Are Needed to Register a Vehicle in Illinois?

What Documents Are Needed to Register a Vehicle in Illinois?

As an Illinois resident and driver, you need to register your vehicle to stay legal in the state.  If you are a new resident of Illinois or a new driver, you may not be clear on everything you need to get this job done. Here we help you with the necessary documents and steps to take care of this task.

Key Items to Gather For Your Vehicle Registration

You have 30 days to register your vehicle in Illinois if you are a new resident. First and foremost, you need to have your vehicle insured to be a legal driver. You will also need: the title of your vehicle, proof of your insurance policy, an application for the transaction, the basic details of your car such as model and year, an odometer disclosure statement and the necessary amount of money for fees and taxes. While the fees will vary depending on model and type of license plate, but some general cost outlines include: a $50 title fee and $25 license plate transfer fee if applicable. You can apply for a reduction in fees if you drive an electric vehicle.

Time to Register Your Vehicle

Once you have gathered the needed documents, you can visit the Illinois Secretary of State’s local office to get your vehicle registered or you can stop in to one of our many Chicagoland locations at Cash 2 Go Financial. Our team focuses on quality customer service that is easy and stress-free. You can register your car, boat or trailer conveniently with us. Our locations have hours that will work within your work schedule, so that you do not have to make time to visit the Secretary of State’s office or give up your lunch hour.  You do not need an appointment, but can visit our team when you have the time.

If you are new to living in Illinois, you may be confused about the procedures or overwhelmed with everything that you need to get done after moving. We are happy to answer your questions at any time in person. If you have just purchased a vehicle from a private party, you have 20 days to take care of the registration. You will need the application for vehicle transactions, the vehicle’s title, any details of the lienholders, the fee, the private party vehicle transaction form and the odometer disclosure statement.

Get Your Other Tasks Completed With Us

At Cash 2 Go Financial, we will help you with your vehicle registration, plate renewal and a variety of financial services – all in one place. You can pay your bills electronically with us, place or receive a money order, obtain or load up a prepaid debit card or exchange your unwanted gift cards. We also can assist you with vital documents, such as marriage, birth or death certificates. 

We can answer your questions via our online contact form. 

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